Things I want to (hopefully) teach my child

After my last post about rules for raising a girl it got me thinking about the things I want to teach my own child. Things that I have learnt, or that my own parents taught me but things I think are important to me and my child as we take on this journey together.

So below is a list of things I want to teach my child and maybe even things that I want to learn or teach myself. I will no doubt come up with more as I approach and tackle fatherhood so will add another post when that happens. Please let me know by commenting on the post if you think of anything you wish to teach your child that I have missed.

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Films to watch and films not to watch when expecting your first child.

Being a huge film fan (I studied Film studies at college and university level don’t you know?) and having a wealth of useless film trivia and knowledge rolling around in this head of mine I started to wonder about films that I should watch in preparation for the little one’s arrival. I then thought about films that I shouldn’t watch in preparation for the little one’s arrival. I thought maybe that some of these films might give me some advice and tips on raising my child, and they may also give me ideas on what not to do when raising my child. 

Below are a list of films that I have found or watched that you SHOULD or SHOULDN’T watch when expecting your first child, or any child for that matter. If you have any other films that should be included please leave a comment.  Continue reading


Rules for raising a girl – a man’s way

While looking on the inter web at various things to scare and worry me about raising a girl, I came across a few fun rules about raising a girl for dads. We have a few people who are pregnant around the same time as us (and I am sure there are hundreds if not thousands who are expecting a bundle of joy at the same time all over the world) and some are expecting boys and others girls, and a few who have no idea and want a surprise. When I was told we were having a girl I knew that my life was now going to be one big worry, same to be fair if I was going to have a boy, however a friend of mine who is having a boy said ‘I think a boy will be easier the first time round.’ Excuse me what?? I understand where he’s coming from sort of but when they are little people, does the sex really make a difference?

I have also been told that it takes a real man to raise a girl, which is rubbish as my dads a real man and he raised two boys. I know men, real men, who have raised boys and girls so I don’t agree with that statement. I think they just tell expecting dads to ease the panic of raising a daughter. I have found some fun rules for raising a daughter, a man’s way which are listed below and to be honest most of these are rules that both me and the other half have discussed and agreed on, see for yourself…
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