Random thought of the day; does my daughter want to be in Jurassic Park?

My daughter, the little bundle of joy in my life, has learned some new tricks since she has continued to grow. She’s almost 6 months now and that means shes half a year older. 6 more months and she would have reached that mile stone of being 1 year old. That’s still 6 months away and I have no doubt in my mind that we shall see some new changes in our little bundle of joy. Here are a few things that have already changed in our super hero; Continue reading


When do you start to feel old?

So when I announced that I was going to be a dad, people came up to me and said that I had to grow up now, which was met by a confused and unimpressed face. Check out my thoughts on this here. I’ve never felt old, i’ve always felt young, especially when around certain friends or colleagues, as they discuss the serious things of their life or their latest conquest at the weekend, and other things that don’t interest me. There’s me in my head thinking about what fun things to do with my other half and now my little one.

I was so excited when I found a soft play centre than allows parents to accompany their child while they are having fun. I look forward to playing with toys, shopping in Toys ‘R’ us and actually buying stuff, having kids parties and going to all these places. I still love playing nerf with my other half, being silly and enjoying our lives.

This isn’t to say people we know are not the same, completely the opposite, that’s why we are friends with them, among other reasons. But my question is ‘when do you start to feel old?’ I have a home, a mortage that sucks the money from me like a vampire at my neck, I have a wife, I am now a married man, a one women bloke, and now I have a child, a beautiful baby girl, but inside I still feel young. At 30 years old, I know I am not that old but still, surely these ‘adult’ aspects of life surely must make you feel old, surely?

Even as I sit with my daughter resting on my knees in front of me, looking cute and sweet, smiling and laughing at everything behind me, I wonder how on earth, I made this (obviously with a lot of help from the other half) but still, this little creature was mine. She was mine and my wife’s responsbility, our pride and joy, we had to take care of her and raise her to be the best superhero in the world, but how can I do that when I still play nerf with my wife?

I’ll tell you how I am going to do this, by being myself. Growing up sucks, we all said we wanted to be older when we were younger but now we are older, it sucks. Bills, responsiblities, mortages, bills, work, shopping and all the rest of the crap that takes up most of our time. Me and the other half will embrace this young feeling for aslong as possible, because even though I am a dad, I still feel like I am ten years old inside, apart from Mon – Fri 9 – 5, when I wear a suit and head to work.


Do I really have to? Do any fathers really have to?

The people who know me know that I am child at heart, a big kid who really doesn’t want to grow up, like Peter Pan but without the tights, the knife and the lost boys. I have friends, who like me love to mess around and refuse to grow up, I mean why should we, getting old and being an adult isn’t all that. I know when we were younger we all said, ‘I can’t wait till I grow up,’ but then it happened and we were wrong, dead wrong. Sad times.

So when I keep hearing ‘Oh your going to be a dad, time to grow up then and be an adult.’ followed by a chuckle and a smile, it really gets annoying. I know some dads out there will agree with me but why does having children automatically mean you have to grow up? I know I mess around and have fun and play games still but I have grown up. I have a job (boring), I have a mortgage (drain), I am almost married (whoo hoo) and I have a sensible house (nice) but why does having children mean that it’s time to ‘properly’ grow up? Continue reading


What will she grow up to be? I can not wait to see.

Wow, that sounded like a Dr. Seuss quote, but it was on my mind the other day, while driving home from work. Obviously there are many things that I can not wait to experience with my new bundle of joy, from their first finger squeeze, to their first word, to their first steps, you get the idea, the typical things that all parents are excited to see and experience. However, I began wondering what my child will become?

We all remember wanting to be something when we were younger, if you don’t think you did, you did your just too embarrassed to say what it was. In fact as a kid, I changed career so often it was hard to keep track. I do remember wanting to be a tennis player at some point in my childhood, but other than that, know idea. (I am sure my parents have a better idea). So it got me thinking about the future of my child, and what she will become.  Continue reading