First Holiday with the little one

My wife and I both love surfing. We got into it about three years ago, own our own boards and would head down to the coast at least twice a year. We would take long weekends and camp, surfing in the morning and afternoons and sit by the fire pit in the evening before bed. Lovely times. This however changed when we found out we were expecting a baby. Along with planning/saving for a wedding, we never managed to get to the waves last year, which sucked. We promised ourselves that once the little one was born we would head to the coast and get some surfing in. This was met with a few ‘just wait and see when she’s born’ and ‘you won’t have the time or the energy’ blah blah blah. Well we proved them wrong.

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Labor Day – or the story of a struggling 47hrs which finally ended in Joy

I have seen movies that have included the birthing of a child, the actress doing her best to look like shes pushing out a baby when in fact she’s not, it’s just a pillow under her clothes. I’ve seen TV series’ where they have all their friends around them when they give birth, giving her support and making her laugh, while she again acts like she’s giving birth. In these movies and shows the actress will be pregnant going about her daily life, when BOOM out of no where her water breaks, (usually in an embarrassing moment, with her enemy or during an argument) and she is rushed to hospital where she is taken straight into the labor room, midwife examines her and decides, the baby is coming and suddenly the room is full of doctors and nurses, telling the mother to be, to push. Finally baby emerges and is introduced to her mother for the first time.

Sometimes this may be the case, however this was not the case for us, which now begins the tale of Labor Day or as it will be known in history, as the story of a struggling 47hrs filled with pain and finally ending in joy and happiness. Continue reading