Random thought of the day; does my daughter want to be in Kiss?

As my daughter has slowly gotten bigger and older, certain traits have appeared. Everyday she learns something new I swear. Whether its the blowing raspberries, almost crawling, pulling hair or giving us wet sloppy kisses, shes learning new skills faster than you can say ‘let go of my hair!’.

Her newest skill makes me wonder if she is trying to join Kiss. Known for rock music, make up and flashing tongues, Kiss are not a band I’m all that into. However since discovering she has a tongue, my daughter cant help but stick it out ALL the time. She even, while being held in the swimming pool, spent the whole time with her tongue out and drinking the pool water. She looked like a basking shark, the ones with the giant mouth that eats plankton.

Along with the tongue action she also begun singing along to songs in the car. At least as best she can when unable to form words with her mouth. She even on occasion sings in time and almost in tune. Must have gotten that from her mother. So I wait for that fateful day when the phone rings and its Gene Simmons from Kiss, calling up to recruit our daughter to join them on their next rock and roll tour. Could be worse, One Direction could call.


Random thought of the day; does my daughter want to be in Jurassic Park?

My daughter, the little bundle of joy in my life, has learned some new tricks since she has continued to grow. She’s almost 6 months now and that means shes half a year older. 6 more months and she would have reached that mile stone of being 1 year old. That’s still 6 months away and I have no doubt in my mind that we shall see some new changes in our little bundle of joy. Here are a few things that have already changed in our super hero; Continue reading


Some more random thoughts

A couple random thoughts;

Not bothered anymore;

Since the little one has been born I have joined the millions of men who turned into dads and with that comes a sense of duty to my wife and my daughter. This involves certain disgusting duties like changing a nappy, picking out a dry bogey from her nose, smelling her bottom, cleaning up sick, dodging poo and sick, wiping wee and having sick stains all over my clothes, but you know what? I’m not bothered anymore, it’s now part of my life and I welcome it with open arms and the reflexes of a cat, especially when changing a nappy. Continue reading


Some random thoughts from last night

So a quick blog here, just some random thoughts that have recently went through my head the other day, mainly in the evening when the baby isn’t sleeping.

Baby Logic – or lack there of.

So my little one was a bit of a cry baby last night (don’t really call it crying, as there is no tears) however the reason for her crying was because she was tired. I saw it in her eyes, as she tried to nod off, that she was tired and baby logic kicked in. Instead of fixing her issue of being tired, by closing her eyes and visiting nap nap land, she decided to cry and annouce to us that she was indeed tired. Either that or her logic was, if I am tired, I am going to make sure you are tired as well. Either way, it took a while to get her to sleep which brings me on to the next thought.

Car Journeys – or the exploring of the town in the middle of the night.

So to get our little one to sleep, or at least for an hour or so, we decided to head into the cold and take her for a drive. Summer must be easier for this, as it’s warmer you don’t have to wrap her up in a snow suit and a million layers, however the snow suit does give her some comfort, or enough to send her to sleep that is. As we drove around our town, I had decided to use this time to explore via car, I wondered how many other cars on the road where in the similar situation.

My other half headed out at 1am in the morning the other night, I wondered then, would she be the only parent on the road trying to get our little one to sleep? It’s a little creepy to stare into peoples car windows as you pass them by, but I’ve never noticed the tired look on a drivers face, or the screaming hell beast in the back, now fast asleep. Will keep an eye out from now on.

Baby monitors – or the voice of the hell beast in radio waves.

Once we had gotten the little one back home and into the cot, she went to sleep, as did we (for a few hours at least). Trouble with the monitor, next to my other halfs head, is the noises that the little one makes are now much louder than when she was in our room. Tiniest of sounds are amplified across the room, and you start the wonderful thing parents all do, worry over nothing.

So thank you technology, once more, you have now made us even more paranoid than we needed to be.