You have got to love free stuff.

Who doesn’t love something free? I mean, some things are okay when they are free like free samples or free parking, but it’s even better when you expect to pay for something and you hear that great word ‘free.’ Five simple letters, one amazing word, FREE. Who doesn’t love a Free Hug at a festival (depending on who it is giving them out) though who actually pays for a hug?

The reason I bring it up is that recently we have been given two large boxes of clothes for our unborn child. All for the wonderful price of FREE, which makes it that much sweeter. We now have enough clothes for our baby till she’s 12 months old, just need to find something to store them in, as we’ve still not furnished the nursery.

All I wanted to say was thank you, not that this person will read this or that I actually know who gave them to my other half (someone from work I believe) however it is much appreciated. We have had things bought for us, which is lovely, as well as a few things people are not using any more, which is also lovely. I hope when our second child is too big for these clothes then we will have some one that we can hand them down to (depending on the condition) because everyone needs help when they’re expecting, whether they want to admit it or not.


Having children – an excuse to wear things like this.

The world wide web of wonder and amazement is full of useless rubbish, endless cat videos, pointless websites and access to images and videos that we wished we hadn’t seen. However it does have some wonderful uses, such as internet shopping and funny meme’s to make you chuckle while slaving away behind your desk at work.

I saw this the other day and I feel in love with the idea of wearing things like this, only because I think they are silly, but silly fun, something you want to be doing with you child, expressing your silliness as often and as much as you can. Hope you find some of these as cute and funny as I did, if you don’t, well you don’t have a sense of humour and it saddens me.

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Our first shopping trip – well mine at least

Since we found out we were having a baby and that the other half was pregnant I have been happy, excited, nervous, (add any number of emotions I am sure I have felt them) but one thing I haven’t felt is involved. Now this isn’t to say that the other half doesn’t include me in anything, far from it, we have a relationship where we agree on most things. Our wedding has been very easy going so far ( a few issues with family but that’s to expect with a wedding) and when it came to the baby, most things we agreed on. The color of the nursery, the furniture for the room and even clothes and outfits, we have agreed on all of it.

So when I say I have not felt involved is that the other half has this mini child inside of her, wriggling around (our baby is a wriggler but that’s too be expected considering her parents) and can feel the changes in her body and that of the body inside her (maybe not the actual changes but at least the size and weight etc). Me on the other hand has yet to feel her kick, which I am looking forward to, and doesn’t get to experience what the other half is experiencing even if on occasions she tells me that she wish I could (more in a angry way than a pleasant way). Continue reading