A few tips for new fathers, as found on the world wide web of wonder.

Once again I have been looking on-line for advice and assistance on this new exciting, terrifying, scary and wonderful stage of my life. There are hundreds of websites and articles for new fathers, Google knows what it’s doing when you type into it’s search engine, who knew?

Anyway, below are a couple of tips I have found on the good old internet web for new fathers. Read them, digest them, ignore them, listen to them, follow them, agree with them, disagree with them, argue about them, love them, do whatever you want with them, but remember these are my opinions and not things I am telling you to do.

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Things not to say to your pregnant wife – common sense activated.

Pregnant women are volatile, hormonal, angry, emotional wrecks throughout all of the pregnancy. You hear stories of violent and loud outbursts just because their husbands dropping a yogurt on the floor or not taking out the rubbish. Crying over things that they normally wouldn’t cry about and even crying over crying about being a crying. It’s a vicious circle, like a tornado, which the man is standing in the centre, struggling to keep his feet grounded, grabbing onto the last bits of his sanity.

Lucky for me, my other half hasn’t been too bad. She’ recently had some throwing up spells but has had no really outbursts or crying fits (except during the wedding planning and bridesmaids annoying her). This maybe because I’ve used my common sense, more than I have ever used it in my entire life. I am man, we don’t have much common sense. However, there are a few things I have read that you really shouldn’t say to your pregnant wife if you want to survive this journey and see your little bundle of joy at the end;

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