Our daughter – the little cling monster, the queen of routine distruption

So recently we’ve started to try and get a routine going with our little one. As some of you may know, this is much harder than you first think. Routines are much harder to stick with than break. How many of us have tried eating healthy only to break the healthy routine by eating a piece of cake? It is not as easy as people think sticking to a routine, it’s even worse trying to set one up for someone who has no idea of the concept of a routine. This little person will do what they can to throw the routine out the window, they will cause more delays than that of the National Rail and well, makes up her own routine without even realizing it.

So we begin when I walk through the door, where our little bundle of joy has taken her place latched onto my wife’s nipple and sucking like milk is going out of fashion. During this time I shower, get into my evening attire (no smoking jacket or silk trousers, more like my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles lounge pants and a random t-shirt) and head downstairs to either cook dinner or take our little one for some cuddles while the other half finishes off dinner. Dinner is then eaten in shifts most of the time, with both eating as quickly as possible, which involves not much chewing. Continue reading


Nursery Mode Activated – Phase one

When we bought our house, we made sure that we bought the right house, a house we didn’t have to leave in a couple of years as we knew we were planning on starting a family. It had enough space for all our stuff and enough rooms/bedrooms for us to start a small family. As we were looking around at houses we noticed that the smaller houses, the occupants were leaving because there baby was getting too big. The house we bought however, the occupants were moving for the same reason, but this time the children weren’t becoming toddlers, instead they were arriving at their early teen years.

This filled us with hope when choosing this house, because it meant it was big enough to raise our children till they hit that similar age. When our friends found out we were pregnant, one of the first things they said was ‘Lucky you bought a house that size then.’ It wasn’t luck, it was all planned. The perks of having a other half who is on the same page as yourself.

So it has begun, phase one of the nursery has started. Continue reading


Ultimate Children’s bedrooms – these give me some ideas.

If I had money, well not that I don’t have money, but if I had money just lying around and could afford to make some of these amazing Children’s bedrooms then I would love to. I do want to make a cool room for my children to grow up in however size and cost may restrict me, especially if I wanted to make some of the below rooms.

At least you can get some ideas from these rooms, if not for themes or cool things to add. It’s like a child’s imagination exploded inside the room. I can not wait to let my imagination run wild when it comes to their room, though my credit card may feel differently about the experience.  Continue reading