Random thought of the day; does my daughter want to be in Kiss?

As my daughter has slowly gotten bigger and older, certain traits have appeared. Everyday she learns something new I swear. Whether its the blowing raspberries, almost crawling, pulling hair or giving us wet sloppy kisses, shes learning new skills faster than you can say ‘let go of my hair!’.

Her newest skill makes me wonder if she is trying to join Kiss. Known for rock music, make up and flashing tongues, Kiss are not a band I’m all that into. However since discovering she has a tongue, my daughter cant help but stick it out ALL the time. She even, while being held in the swimming pool, spent the whole time with her tongue out and drinking the pool water. She looked like a basking shark, the ones with the giant mouth that eats plankton.

Along with the tongue action she also begun singing along to songs in the car. At least as best she can when unable to form words with her mouth. She even on occasion sings in time and almost in tune. Must have gotten that from her mother. So I wait for that fateful day when the phone rings and its Gene Simmons from Kiss, calling up to recruit our daughter to join them on their next rock and roll tour. Could be worse, One Direction could call.


The world from high up in her throne

We had some issues with our daughter when it came to feeding. She loves food but she’s quite picky. With a dairy and lactose allergy we were limited to what we could give her in the form of formula, trouble was she didn’t like the bottle. She loved the boob too much, which had it’s bonuses (it being free) and it’s pain points (it takes it’s toll on the wife) but we’ve managed to make it through, alive. We were advised to try and ween her early, something that we were planning on asking the doctors anyway but 17 weeks in and we got the high chair out and the plastic feeding tools at the ready.

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Random thought of the day; does my daughter want to be in Jurassic Park?

My daughter, the little bundle of joy in my life, has learned some new tricks since she has continued to grow. She’s almost 6 months now and that means shes half a year older. 6 more months and she would have reached that mile stone of being 1 year old. That’s still 6 months away and I have no doubt in my mind that we shall see some new changes in our little bundle of joy. Here are a few things that have already changed in our super hero; Continue reading


Our daughter – the little cling monster, the queen of routine distruption

So recently we’ve started to try and get a routine going with our little one. As some of you may know, this is much harder than you first think. Routines are much harder to stick with than break. How many of us have tried eating healthy only to break the healthy routine by eating a piece of cake? It is not as easy as people think sticking to a routine, it’s even worse trying to set one up for someone who has no idea of the concept of a routine. This little person will do what they can to throw the routine out the window, they will cause more delays than that of the National Rail and well, makes up her own routine without even realizing it.

So we begin when I walk through the door, where our little bundle of joy has taken her place latched onto my wife’s nipple and sucking like milk is going out of fashion. During this time I shower, get into my evening attire (no smoking jacket or silk trousers, more like my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles lounge pants and a random t-shirt) and head downstairs to either cook dinner or take our little one for some cuddles while the other half finishes off dinner. Dinner is then eaten in shifts most of the time, with both eating as quickly as possible, which involves not much chewing. Continue reading


Breasts – more than meets the eye

Breasts, at least to men and some women, are wonderful things. From the different sizes that they come in, big and small, to all the various shapes, to the fact that they can distract us within seconds of being in the room. Sometimes they are on show, like on a certain page of a certain paper, and sometimes they are not, which can be more beautiful. Some girls show theirs too often, others cover theirs up, to show in the most private of moments to the ones they have an attraction to. A few women will got under the knife to improve their breasts for personal reasons and others unfortunately will loose theirs due to medical reasons. People raise money, they run, they jog and they walk, for breasts and we commend them for their work in helping cure this disease.

Now the reason I am talking about breasts is due to the fact my other half has begun breastfeeding, and what a wonderful ability it is. I understand that some women struggle with breastfeeding and soon resort to bottled milk due to the fact the baby needs milk one way or another, but luckily our little creature has taken to the breast. Sometimes she requires many feeds, especially when she throws most of it up after, which takes it’s toll on my other half’s nipple. Soon she will pump which will allow me to help with the feeding rather than just sleep through it or as I am doing right now, write a blog, but till that day comes, its all on her and her wonderful breasts.

breastfeeding-rocks-feature Continue reading